Special Influences

1. Life Path Direction

Life Path Direction

I've been thinking about the direction of your LIFEPATH, Rachel.

I've explained that your lifepath gives you a general indication of what your purpose is and where you should be headed in life. Your LIFEPATH DIRECTION tells you a little more specifically how you should get there. It's kind of like the street lights when you're driving at night. Even though you've got a good map, it's a lot easier to reach your destination if you're not totally in the dark. And as I'll explain more in a minute, this is a particularly interesting vibration because it combines Numerology with Astrology.

I have calculated your Lifepath Direction, Rachel, by adding the number of your astrological sign to your Lifepath. You are a Libra (number 7) and your Lifepath number is 6. So your Lifepath direction is 4

As they say, what goes around comes around. The two sciences of Numerology and Astrology used to be in perfect HARMONY, but then they began to compete and draw apart.

Luckily, not all of the combined wisdom was lost over the years, and now I am happy to be able to revive this time-tested technique for shedding more light on your direction in life.

As an added bonus I'd like to give you a tool that can influence you from childhood throughout your life. Since it essentially breaks down barriers to accomplishment, it is known quite appropriately as your KEY. Along with your Lifepath, it's a great help in unlocking doors to your next opportunity. Again, I have calculated your Key for you by adding up all the numbers in your first name at birth, and briefly explained what it could mean for you. I must caution you that not all doors can be opened from your side, but using your Key WILL help you find the ones that can, and allow you to pass through to greater fulfillment.

Use your KEY often and wisely so as NOT to allow life to close in on you.

The Lifepath Direction of Rachel Nason

LifePath = 51 / 6 + AstroSign (7 for Libra) = 4

Both in terms of elbow grease and brain power, you've got a lot of work ahead of you. This is simply what your Lifepath requires. There will be those, of course, who DON'T have your dedication to accomplishment. These are the dreamers and idlers in life, whereas you must use the drive and stamina of a work horse. Not only do you have to be responsible for making sure everything happens, but in many cases you must actually do the task yourself.

In order to fulfill your purpose in life, you will need to fall back upon a systematic approach and a respect for ORDERLINESS. Remember, a house built upon sand cannot withstand a severe storm. The goal is long-lasting achievement. So take the time up front to organize your affairs and develop a smart plan of action. Then it's ready, set, GO!

Sometimes, my friend, the work will be tedious. Don't let impatience over your slow progress make your progress even slower, however. Trust in the plans you have made, and have the discipline to follow through with them. Rome wasn't built in a day, and can you imagine how many stones had to be laid in place, going through the same motions time after time, before the magnificent Egyptian pyramids were created!

In a sense, you are building a monument to your values through the life you are living. And as I'm sure you know by now, NOTHING worthwhile is accomplished without an equally impressive effort. Others, of course, will greatly admire your conscientious attitude and reputation for seeing a job through to the finish. And rightly so. But even more important, you can be proud of yourself and know that you can earned your life's rewards.

The Key of Rachel Nason

The letters in your first name add up to 29 / 11

Above all else, the harmonious blend of your SPIRITUALITY with your keen INTELLECT will open the door to accomplishment for you. Others look to you for guidance, and your quick assessment of situations, along with terrific instincts, allows you to come up with solutions that are right on the money. As you encounter each and every life experience, make it a point to respond on a higher level, with an emphasis on such lofty ideals as love, beauty and compassion. Let the milk of human kindness FLOW through your veins.

2. Major Life Cycles

Major Life Cycles

I've been thinking about your major life cycles, Rachel.

I've talked to you a lot about your LIFEPATH in terms of where you're headed, and now I'm going to give you more details about the stages of the journey. Imagine journeying through life along a three-lane highway. You begin in the left lane, eventually progress to the middle lane, and wind up in the right lane. While you are in each lane or LIFE CYCLE, you will have to deal with both positive and negative influences -- just as you meet up with both good and bad drivers on the road! Each life cycle lasts a specific number of years, and is strongly connected with your DESTINY.

The first lane, also known as the FORMATIVE life cycle, lasts approximately 28 years. This is another example of astrology and numerology working together, because the change to the second lane occurs when the moon of the astrological chart has completed its first revolution. This takes about 28 years and 4 months, although YOUR actual change occurs during your "One" Personal Year that is closest to 28 years. By the end of this time, you have essentially completed your growth phase.

The middle lane, or PRODUCTIVE life cycle, lasts another 28 years, after which you have become a fully matured adult.

Finally, you enter into the third lane, or HARVEST life cycle, in the One Personal Year that is nearest to your 56th birthday. Now you have a chance to review your life, and see what remains to be done to further fulfill your destiny.

I've calculated your major life cycles for you, of course, but you should know that they are based on your month (first cycle), day (second cycle), and year (third cycle) of birth. Switching lanes can be quite smooth or incredibly jarring, turning your lifestyle upside down. It's all a matter of what number you're leaving and what number you're moving to. For instance, if two neighboring lanes are compatible, you shouldn't have any problem. But if they're very different -- WATCH OUT.

You may have noticed that people tend to make major life decisions -- marriage, divorce, career change, move to another part of the country, etc. around their 28th year -- and now you know why! Likewise, age 56 tends to bring thoughts of retirement, travel or other significant changes in preparation for the third life cycle. Sometimes the various life cycle influences just sneak up on you. But if you're observing all the road signs, you may be able to anticipate a lane change as much as a year in advance.

As you proceed towards your destiny, use each life cycle to better understand what you will go through, what opportunities to take advantage of, what you need to learn, how you will feel...whatever it takes to get the MOST out of this stage of your life. The more you understand each life cycle in advance, the better you can prepare for it. And the better you prepare for it, the more successfully you will live it!

The 1st Life Cycle of Rachel Nason
Birth to Age 28

As Formative Cycles go, I have to be honest and tell you that the "9" influence is not likely to be the easiest. A sound educational background is almost a MUST. But even then, you may recall this time as one filled with stress...or a vague uneasiness...or a sense of not quite belonging. Typically, a 9 child suffers some kind of LOSS during these years, which means you may have GAINED early the virtue of being considerate and putting the needs of others before your own.

Even a mature adult would have a hard time handling these circumstances, so it's no wonder, as a child, you may have "acted out" your unhappiness. Intense displays of emotion also make life hard for the parents, of course, but hopefully YOURS were able to react with the love and patience so important to your ultimate adjustment. You really can't make any progress when you are surrounded by negativism.

When you have a lot of feelings bundled up inside of you, eventually you need to release them. Art, theater and philanthropy are WONDERFUL outlets for constructively defusing strong emotions and achieving some measure of harmony. Meanwhile, a sound education provides some much needed balance. The 9 is associated with completion, which is why you are so frequently frustrated when everything doesn't happen when it's supposed to, or you don't always get what you want. You should also understand that the higher the number, the more POWER it has, and for a young person that power can simply be too much to handle.

The 2nd Life Cycle of Rachel Nason
Age 28 to Age 56

You won't waste any time discovering that "home is where the heart is" with a "6" influencing your middle or Productive Cycle. Traditional values such as caring for a family and being responsible carry a LOT of weight with you. In fact, you can't get anywhere without them. They are as essential to your progress toward your Destiny and your happiness along the way as three meals a day and a roof over your head.

You would do well to develop a good "Answer Man" or "Dear Abby" approach to handle a variety of situations. This will help you deal with WHATEVER life throws you way, and also enable you to help others, which is part of your calling. You need to be a person that others can count on, with the stability of the Rock of Gibraltar and the wisdom of the Sphinx. Give advice as freely as it is asked of you and you will be enormously fulfilled.

Obviously while you are looking out for others you shouldn't neglect yourself, because no one else is likely to make up for the oversight. In short, you're pretty much on your own if you want something to get done. Let's just hope you don't have to learn this the hard way by having a tough time of things one day.As strongly as you feel about your values, you need to share them without forcing them on other people. Be kind and helpful, encourage peace and understanding, but DON'T expect everyone else to do the same. You have some creative urgings which you may have ignored up to now. Why not let them flower and give people a view of your artistic side.

The 3rd Life Cycle of Rachel Nason
Age 56 on

When you enter the Harvest Cycle under the influence of the "9," you should prepare to leave your job perhaps, but NOT to retire altogether. Instead, you can look forward to a time of learning and reflection. Take advantage of the freedom from a confining schedule to explore NEW ideas and pursue personal growth. On the other hand, don't concentrate too much on yourself, because you are called to reach out in love and caring to others. The more you give to humanity with no thought of a reward, the more you will indeed be rewarded.

I would not be surprised if you encounter some type of loss -- perhaps more than once -- as your travel down this final lane. Difficult as this may be to deal with, you MUST learn to let go in each instance. Otherwise, you could be faced with actual physical conditions as a direct result of your negative reactions. In addition to being of service to mankind, you can gain a great deal of satisfaction from giving in to your creative urges, particularly through acting. The benefits drama adds to your life will be even greater if you befriend similarly artistic people.

Both the number 9 and this particular cycle add up to a time of completion, which means you will need to weed out those parts of your life that no longer make a contribution to reaching your goals. Many ideas, situations and routines that you have become used to over the years will fade away for lack of a purpose. And guess what, the hard work you have applied to learning your life's lessons will FINALLY begin to pay off as you prepare to "graduate."

3. Achievement Number

Achievement Number

I want you to think about your 'Achievement Number,' Rachel.

You are indeed meant to accomplish an important goal, which makes it absolutely critical that you fully come to terms with the meaning of this number. After all, how can you accomplish ANYTHING without knowing exactly WHAT it is you are supposed to accomplish.

Obviously, the sooner you are aware of the implications of your Achievement Number and can follow the path it leads you on, the smoother your journey will be. Otherwise, it is likely to stand in the way of your making any progress. The power of your Achievement Number to have a positive impact on your life is matched only by its power to work against you if you do not make it a part of everything that you do.

To calculate your Achievement Number, just total the month and day of your birth. This may well add up to a difficult number for you, simply because that particular combination involves some negative influences and difficulties in adjusting your behavior to accommodate it. All I can say is, do your best to realize the importance of your Achievement Number, make every effort to center your life around its positive qualities, and you will ultimately find this number to be of great benefit, my friend.

As you have no doubt come to realize by now, nothing worth having comes easily. There is always a challenge or two to contend with, and your Achievement Number is no exception. That's why you also need to know a little about your ACHIEVEMENT CHALLENGE. Fortunately, this is not as big a hurdle to overcome as some of the other major life challenges we have discussed in past months, but neither is it something to take lightly. As with your Achievement Number, your Achievement Challenge is most prominent during your early years, and the sooner you deal with it, the sooner you can concentrate on achieving your mission in life. Ignore it, and you will enjoy only temporary success at best.

To calculate your Achievement Challenge, merely subtract your Achievement Number from 9.

As you read on, I will tell you more about what your Achievement Number means to you, and what it requires of you in your daily approach to life. I will also briefly remind you of your Achievement Challenge, and point out those difficulties which you will need to overcome.

The Achievement Number of Rachel Nason

With 6 as your Achievement Number, you are the glue that holds your family together. Whether it's caring for family members or overseeing family property, others look to you to run this particular show. These responsibilities come with the usual share of joys and disappointments, but overall the outcome is decidedly positive. Even beyond family duties you may put yourself in a position of managing affairs -- someone else's business or perhaps even your own. All of these activities are VITAL to your success.

There will be times when you feel stifled by all the people depending on you, and wish you only had to worry about yourself. That's when you need to remember that in the long run it is all to your benefit. By reaching out in love and selflessness to others, you will achieve great happiness and significant monetary rewards as well.

The 6 also predisposes you towards becoming a Sunday School teacher, volunteering at a hospital or nursing home, or helping the poor.You may be of service in other ways as well, even if it's just responding to a difficult situation with a few words of WISDOM.

With all the responsibilities facing you, the last thing advisable is taking on too much too soon such as with marriage at a young age.Remember, the only way you can achieve personal success is to put the needs of others first. So love and serve with grace and willingness, and your rewards will far outnumber your sacrifices.

Your Achievement Challenge is 3

You may be weighed down by oppressive burdens and a feeling that you can never get out from under your numerous responsibilities. An Achievement Challenge of 3 directs you to fight this pessimistic attitude by making a concentrated effort to be cheerful, inventive and full of enthusiasm.

Personal Life Changes

It seems in the scheme of life we all go through physical and mental changes every 7 years starting at birth.

For example:

  • Age 7: age of reason
  • Age 14: age of puberty
  • Age 21: physical and legal maturity
  • Age 28: mental maturity (change of 1st major life cycle with 1st complete moon)
  • Age 49: or 7x7= a very critical period in human life

From ancient times it has been noted these 7 year changes are influenced by your date of birth. Numerology unveils that important path of change and will indicate which ages and years these events will happen.

What kind of events? Notable ones - the milestones we all remember. Consider this list of changes and look at the dates and years before which apply to you and your loved ones. I think you will be quite surprised at what you find.

  • 1. Births
  • 2. Deaths
  • 3. Pregnancies
  • 4. Marriage
  • 5. Divorce
  • 6. Separations
  • 7. Good Luck
  • 8. New Love
  • 9. Graduations
  • 10. New Job
  • 11. Promotions
  • 12. Legacy
  • 13. Trips
  • 14. New Home
  • 15. Move
  • 16. Accidents
  • 17. Illness

Personal Changes

Number 1
If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month:
Ages: 10, 13, 19, 28, 31, 37, 40, 46, 55, 58, 64, 67, 73, 76, 82, 85, 91, 94.
Years: 1963, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1981, 1984, 1990, 1993, 1999, 2002, 2008, 2011, 2017.

Number 2
If you were born on the 2nd, 11th , 20th or 29th of any month:
Ages: 11, 16, 20, 25, 29, 34, 38, 43, 47, 52, 56, 61, 65, 70, 74, 83, 88, 92, 97.
Years: 1964, 1969, 1973, 1978, 1982, 1987, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2005, 2009, 2014, 2018.

Number 3
If you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month:
Ages: 12, 18, 21, 27, 30, 36, 39, 45, 48, 54, 57, 63, 66, 72, 75, 81, 84, 90, 93, 99.
Years: 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019.

Number 4
If you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month:
Ages: 13, 17, 19, 22, 26, 28, 31, 35, 37, 40, 44, 46, 49, 53, 55, 58, 62, 64, 67, 71, 73, 76, 80, 82, 85, 89, 91, 94, 98.
Years: 1963, 1966, 1970, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2017.

Number 5
If you were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month:
Ages: 14, 15, 23, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 50, 51, 59, 60, 68, 69, 77, 78, 86, 87, 95, 96.
Years: 1967, 1968, 1976, 1977, 1985, 1986, 1994, 1995, 2003, 2004, 2012, 2013.

Number 6
If you were born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month:
Ages: 15, 20, 21, 24, 29, 30, 33, 38, 39, 42, 47, 48, 51, 56, 57, 60, 65, 66, 69, 74, 75, 78, 83, 84, 87, 92, 93, 96.
Years: 1964, 1965, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1982, 1983, 1986, 1991, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2018.

Number 7
If you were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of the month:
Ages: 11, 16, 20, 25, 29, 34, 38, 43, 47, 52, 56, 61, 65, 70, 74, 79, 83, 88, 92, 97.
Years: 1964, 1969, 1973, 1978, 1982, 1987, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2005, 2009, 2014, 2018.

Number 8
If you were born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of the month:
Ages: 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 26, 31, 33, 35, 40, 42, 44, 49, 51, 53, 58, 60, 61, 67, 69, 71, 76, 78, 80, 85, 87, 89, 94, 96, 98.
Years: 1966, 1968, 1970, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1993, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2015.

Number 9
If you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of the month:
Ages: 12, 18, 19, 21, 28, 30, 36, 37, 39, 45, 46, 48, 54, 55, 57, 63, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 81, 82, 84, 90, 91, 93, 99.
Years: 1965, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2016, 2017.

4. Vowels


If you've ever wondered how to approach someone, handle a child, or just for fun want to end up the life of a party, take a look at the first vowel in the name your dealing with.

This one very important letter will reveal the inner secret of what makes one tick - emotional impulses, attitudes, ingrained habits and preferences. With this kind of information, you can just about predict how someone will think and act, and likewise ---- they you!

The ancients considered vowels to be the sacred letters of the alphabet, providing the soul's entrance into the body. Hence, the soul urge is derived from the vibrations of the total number of vowels in your name. Looking at these two aspects gives a pretty clear picture of how we operate.

You should also know that if someone has three or more of their first vowels in their total name, they will possess an over abundance of that particular influence.

There will be a difference if the vowel is long such as the "A" in Wayne, or short, such as the "O" in Ron.

Those that have two vowels together, like Maury, as their first vowel may have some wishy-washy tendencies because neither vowel will have absolute power. The fight for dominance could result in a clouded perspective.

Oh - one more thing. Each vowel is also under a planetary influence which will exert it's control on certain areas of the body. This tidbit of information allows you to anticipate health problems if you have too much of a particular vowel influence in your name.

Have some fun with this vowel thing, Rachel. Work with it a little and you'll be amazed what you learn, not only about yourself, but your friends, family, co-workers and anyone else you come into contact with.

The Influence of Your First Vowel

I've decided to include all the vowels for you so you can predict how others will act, too.

If your FIRST VOWEL is "A"

General indications are that you are decisive and single-minded -- the perfect candidate for being the boss. With the numeric value of "A" being one, your approach will be bold, independent, inquisitive and drawn to research. Others sense that you REALLY know what you're doing, and are likely to trust you to lead the way. "A's" are original and pioneering. They love new ideas, preferably their own, as the are creative. This person will defend their point of view against the whole world. Their tendency is to accept advice only when it goes along with what they already believe. Two A's label you as a clear thinker, but more than three indicates tendencies toward thinking too much of yourself, appearing cynical, sarcastic and intolerant of others. Mars is the planet behind the vowel A, so look for an abundance of static energy. Any health problems are likely to concern the head, perhaps migraines, for instance. If your A's are long, as with Jane or Abel, you may be so stubborn about doing things YOUR way that you don't take advantage of newer and better ideas. If your A is short, as with Dan or Alice, you may be more of a dreamer than a doer and jump on a whim from one new idea to another.If you have a dual A, such as Maureen or Lawrence, you may have to fight to be true to yourself and make sure you really are what you appear to be to others.

If Your FIRST VOWEL is "E"

"E" indicates that you live a full life, abounding in fun and new experiences BUT are perhaps troubled by fits of temper or anxiety. The numeric value of "E" is 5, which is physical and related to the five senses. You must learn to overcome excessive indulgences, especially with the opposite sex. You are often considered different, but instead of letting this bother you, you charm others into wanting to be different with you! "E's" are the spice of life, for they like action, variety, and change. The "E" desires freedom above all else, but should not break the rules to get it.

"E's" should expect the unexpected. Public contact and travel bring them enjoyment. Money has a way of coming and going with rapid action. Marriages can be difficult due to fluctuating worldly living and impulsive actions. More than three E's means you may have trouble making a decision and sticking to it. The vowel E is controlled by the planet Venus, which primarily affects your emotional well being. Multiple E's indicate problems with the throat, kidneys, and stomach, so be on the lookout for indigestion and ulcers. If your E is long, such as with Gene or Edie, you may be skimming through life too fast to get anything of substance out of it. If your E is short, such as with Nellie or Ted, you may get so caught up in the SEARCH for something that you never realize when you have finally FOUND it. With the dual E, such as in Leah or Geoffrey, you would be well advised to calm down and sort things out before you go rushing off again.

If Your FIRST VOWEL is "I"

The numeric value of "I" is 9, therefore you must learn to be loving and understanding. Overall you are likely to have a strong sixth sense and excel in artistic endeavors. Your intense emotions can help you identify with the suffering of others, and you should give freely with no thought of reward. You are a ruling entity unto yourself, capable of being either a genius of a bum, spreading inspiration or terror. You're either quiet, energetic and helpful, or erratic and selfish.

Although possessing many talents, "I's" are often bored or apathetic. They resist change and trying new things, preferring to stick with what they know, repeating it over and over.

Heart and passion rule the "I" and if developed, they can be loving and serve humanity. If not - look for self centeredness and self-indulgence. The "I" can attract wealth and protection, but if failure occurs, it's usually due to an overly optimistic mistake. "I's" are creative, but their moodiness can lead to loss of opportunity. MORE than three I's, however, indicates oversensitivity, touchiness, or withdrawal and may experience money delays. The planet Saturn maintains a strong influence on the vowel I. Numerous I's in your name should put you on the alert for health problems involving the brain, heart, knees, teeth, bones, and inner ear. If your I is long, as with Ira or Dinah, you are likely to succeed in all you attempt so be careful to work for good. If your I is short, as with Bill or Irma, you could get carried away with your emotions, leading to inconsiderate behavior. The dual I, heard in names such as Mia or Pierce, tends to give you a dual nature, but you can counteract this by focusing on the POSITIVE and drowning out the NEGATIVE.

If Your FIRST VOWEL is "O"

All in all, you lean towards being the law and order type, most comfortable when everyone abides by the same ground rules. With a numeric value of 6, the O is happiest giving advice and counseling others. They love to teach and feel useful, needing responsibility to feel important. The O will serve it's community and be an excellent host. They prefer old established businesses and will settle in one place, not wanting to move. O's love harmony, beauty, music and art. If there are more than three O's in your name, however, this quality can be exaggerated to the point of you becoming stubborn and boring. Your STRONG sense of morality and responsibility, along with your friendly concern for others, gives you a reputation as someone who can always be trusted. The vowel O is governed by the extremely powerful planet Jupiter. A LOT of O's in your name could indicate health problems involving the blood and circulation. If your O is long, as it is in names such as Lola and Tony, you may have exceptional creative talents but also a tendency to dominate the stage. If your O is short, as with the names Bob and Constance, others may feel drawn to take care of you, while you must guard against negativism and depression. The dual O, as in Noah and Lois, predisposes you to achieving great patience, but this will get you nowhere if you are not able to overcome the influence of indecision.

If Your FIRST VOWEL is "U"

Numerically vibrating to the number 3, your response is basically jovial, carefree and happy. Gifted verbally, you are sought after, as you can speak to any and all - and usually do! Indications are that you take an open-minded approach to life and enjoy analyzing the big picture. You may imitate the cupped shape of the U and take great joy in collecting possessions.

Liked by most, you're a good friend, but tend to attract peculiar situations which may cause you pain and suffering. A nature lover, you can do wonders with plants and flowers and can readily distinguish perfumes. Some U's love study and mental analysis. Many are artistic and wish to branch out and be creative, interested in improving themselves. All U's must fight being excessively emotional. Many succumb to unconventional love affairs.

Usually charming and popular, U's extend love and friendship and are able to uplift and inspire many people. The negative U will be selfish and narrow minded. More than three U's point to the cup being emptied and the resulting sense of loss.A first W, by the way, functions as a double U. In what would otherwise be the boring, day to day routine, you are the life of the party, and your enjoyment of others's company is matched only by their enjoyment of yours. The vowel U is controlled by Earth's moon, and reflects the influence of change. If there are many U's in your name, look for health problems involving the nervous system, mental stability, asthma, and the stomach. If your U is long as it is in names like Julie and Hubert, you have the potential for excellent communication skills but need to keep everything in proper perspective. If your U is short, as it is in Gus and Bunnie, for instance, you can be a strong motivating influence IF you'll better learn to accept new ideas. With a dual U such as Stuart or Juanita, you have to strike a balance between not being ABLE to decide and not CARING what you decide.

If Your FIRST VOWEL is "Y"

Depending on how it is pronounced, Y has the same qualities as E or I. For instance, in the names Yvonne and Henry the Y is pronounced like an E, but in the names Lynda and Myron the Y is pronounced like an I. If it is not pronounced, as in Faye or Payne, Y is not considered a vowel at all.

Y's are intuitive and introspective, and usually, logical and intellectual since Y has a numeric value of 7. The Y has much to gain being tactful. If you ever need a secret kept, the Y will be as closed mouthed as you can get.

Y's love quiet and solitude although their appearances are often deceiving. If negative, they lack tack,knowledge and analysis. Y as a vowel is controlled by the planet Mercury whose major influences are duality and speed. Many Y's in your name could be an indication of health problems involving the reproductive system, arms, hands, and lungs. This could also result in problems caused by withdrawal and indecisiveness. If your Y is long you will naturally tend toward openmindedness, but others could push you to become closeminded. If your Y is short you will insist on slowing arriving at your own conclusions based on all the evidence. The dual Y such as Guy or Fay, leads to considerable confusion, although the STRONGER first vowel almost always wins out in the end.


Even though the first vowel always dominates, it would be a mistake to ignore the influence of the second vowel.Here are insights on some of the most common vowel pairings, all of which involve both singular and combined numerical vibrations.

AI -- AMBITION combines with INSPIRATION, allowing you to follow through on far-reaching plans. Keep your emotions under control, and beware of doing nothing because you can't decide what to do.

AU -- ASPIRATION teams up with UNNERVING confusion, potentially causing your indecision to result in inaction.You have great creative powers so put them to good use, avoiding a tendency towards excessive self-indulgence.

AY -- Your AMBITION could well be diminished if you YIELD to indecisiveness. Have faith in your strong intuitive powers, and face up to your underlying lack of self- confidence in order to achieve the material success you are capable of.

EA -- ENERGY and AMBITION add up, potentially at least, to outstanding achievement. You have all it takes, but may be unsure what strengths to call on, so look within for the answer. Don't let your ego get in the way of your progress.

EE -- Your ENTHUSIASTIC ENERGY could be too much of a good thing. Your physical needs take precedence, but spiritual aspirations run a close second. Try to slow down a bit and give the true meaning of your life experiences time to sink in.

EI -- ENERGY and INTENSITY. Put them together and you've got a real internal storm. You may find yourself searching for you know not what, and only finding the truth will put your soul at rest. The last place you are likely to find yourself is in a rut as you constantly pursue change.

EO -- Your ENTHUSIASM should be applied towards OBEDIENCE, with the goal of spiritual gains. Try to balance conflicting needs for freedom and stability. Otherwise you will not be able to fully develop your intuitive powers.

EW -- ENERGY is accompanied by WONDER about how to best apply it. Your physical nature is dominant and needs to become less so. Concentrate on developing people skills and finding meaning in life.

IA -- These influences are almost identical to those of the AI pairing. One difference is a greater drive for yourself to get everything just right. At the same time, you are LESS demanding and MORE understanding of others.

I0 -- This combination of INTENSENESS and OVERSENSITIVITY could make life difficult for you. Your concern for the well being of others is commendable. Even so, you are torn between wanting to be generous and wanting to accumulate things for yourself.

OA -- OBTAINING ASPIRATIONS is an admirable goal, and one that is within reach. Just make sure your motivations are pure and you are not strictly seeking personal gain. Fortunately, you have a strong sense of spirituality to guide you in the right direction.

OE -- This vowel combination is generally characterized by the same influences as the EO. You will find here, however, a greater tendency towards going by the book and following in well-established footsteps.

OI -- In many ways this combination is similar to that of the IO. One difference is that OI is somewhat more likely to cause heightened self-interest. Artistic qualities are evident, particularly in terms of color and balance.

OU -- OBTAINING UNDERSTANDING is your most admirable goal. Your aesthetic side is emphasized, and you have an especially great appreciation for good music. Be prepared for emotions running rampant, and try not to be too caught up in bodily gratification.

OY -- An OBSESSIVE YEARNING for mystical understanding is the result of this very spiritual influence. You have an inspired view of the world, but your insight is useless if it is caught up in indecision.

OW -- OTHERWORLD WONDERMENT could get in the way of your successfully progressing in THIS world. Your exceptional intuitive qualities, combined with your physical knowledge, make your ideally suited for teaching and helping others.

UA -- UNCANNY ACTIVITY can result in highly productive efforts, and that is the major influence here.On the one hand you want to keep your distance and at the same time you want to run about carefree. Don't insist on doing things the same way but follow the road of progress.

UE -- You have an UNUSUAL amount of ENERGY which should not be wasted. Don't suppress your spiritual side for the sake of indulging in physical pleasures. In your quest for newer and better ideas, take the time to explore each subject thoroughly before moving on to the next.

UI -- UNUSUAL IMMATERIALITY is a likely effect of this particular vibration. Doing whatever it takes to feel good is not necessarily in line with higher values and may cause you to repress your "right" way of thinking. Don't be afraid to use your sixth sense, but guard against being too spur of the moment in your behavior.


In names with triple vowels, such as Louis and Louisa, all three influences must be taken into consideration, although the first is always the strongest. As with dual vowels, the competing influences may result in confusion or frustration. The OUI combination, for instance, represents the numbers 3, 6 and 9. 6 is the first and strongest influence, but the 9 is also significant since it is not only second but the total of the other two. Despite the tendency toward conflict, these three numbers can actually add up to considerable peace and unity. The key is giving full reign to the strong inspirational forces at work.

Patterns and Your Health

On the subject of HEALTH, there has been a correlation discovered between your date of birth and 7 subsequent 52 day periods until your next birthday.

According to the ancient ROSIERUCIAN ORDER, your health undergoes dramatic changes from birthday to birthday. The Rosiecrucians believed, however, if we were in harmony with ourselves and nature, the result would be a healthier, longer, happier life.

From birthday to birthday, this order observed that in each 52 day period a change occurs.

The number 7 has a big impact as a health factor. Between birthdays, there are seven 52 day periods. Also 5+2=7.

If you've ever been faced with a health crisis, or wondered when the best time to have an operation is, you may consider the following chart:

Start with your birthday on . Now notice how your health may be affected in each of the following 7 periods.

Simply add 51 days to the end of each period to determine your next period.

Period 1 (52 Days)thru (add 51 days)

  • Great amount of vitality. Health's at its best. Illnesses recover quickly.
  • Good time to plan surgery.
  • Especially good for walking, deep breathing and outside activities.
  • Avoid Eye strain.

Period 2 (next 52 Days)

  • Rapid change in health.
  • Trouble with stomach, bowels, blood stream, nerves, aches and pains.
  • A cheerful attitude and contented mind are a must.

Period 3 (next 52 Days)

  • Time of accidents and sudden illness.
  • Injuries through fire, falls, sharp instruments and sudden blows.
  • Avoid strain and overwork. Watch your blood pressure.

Period 4 (next 52 Days)

  • May feel restless, nervous and uneasy.
  • Avoid undue mental stress, excessive reading or planning.
  • Rest and sleep are needed more now than any other time.

Period 5 (next 52 Days)

  • Prone to over indulge in things of the flesh.
  • Good time to recover from chronic conditions, afflictions or fever.
  • Mental suggestions from others affect the mind now, so stay alert.

Period 6 (next 52 Days)

  • Reproductive system, kidney, skin and throat may be affected.
  • Avoid overwork, mental strain or too much psychical pleasure.
  • Drinks lots of water and partake in many outdoor activities.

Period 7 (next 52 Days)

  • Mental and physical energy generally at its lowest.
  • Not a good time for surgery or medication.
  • Avoid colds and flare ups of chronic conditions.

5. Money


Have you ever wondered why "what's his name" makes so much more money than you do or how two people born on the same day can be at opposite ends of the poverty scale?

Since each of us must strive to survive in the material world, I'd like to share with you some interesting research on the subject of - MONEY.

Technically, money is a means of "exchange for goods and services."But to each of us it clearly takes on a very individual meaning.To some it's just a way to get something, to others, a security blanket.

Numerology helps clarify these differences, taking many influences in addition to your date of birth into consideration. For instance, are your birthday number and your name (destiny number) in harmony?Is it also compatible with your pinnacle number and personal year number?

None the less, one of the most constant of your numbers is your birth day number.This at the very least will indicate your chances of "attracting" money and show you what traits to develop to increase the bank account.

To help you find out about those important to you as well, I've enclosed basic factors for each day of birth to enhance your opportunities to develop wealth and assist you in guiding those you associate with.

Rachel, you are a 6 money person.

The Number 6 Money Person

What luck!All numeric research indicates people born on the 6th, 15th or the 24th of the month top the list of known millionaires.A lot of this is due to your innate sense of responsibility.By holding yourself accountable for what ever you do, be it win, loose or draw, accumulating money will become your ultimate reward.

Your sense of value adds greatly to your bankroll, as does your natural business ability.No one has to tell you twice if something's a bargain or not.

You seem to have a special character trait that attracts help when you need it.Your sense of sharing and giving back will serve you well.In fact, you may discover you are more successful as part of a team.

The main thing for you to be leery of is that nervous tendency to worry about failure or about what everyone else thinks.This could definitely throw a financial roadblock in front of you.

Your best month for money deals are March, May, July, October and December.People born in February, April or August can change your financial destiny.

These are some Millionaire 6 Personalities:

  • Sylvester Stallone July 6, 1946
  • Howard Hughes December 24, 1905
  • J. Paul Getty December 15, 1892
  • Merv Griffin July 6, 1925

The Other Money Numbers.

The Number 1 Money Person

Being born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of the month signifies the dollar is a means to an end for you.You seem to relate it directly to your position in line, your status, reputation and standing in the community.The best way for you to make it big is through a new or different original field.You have a great capacity to strike out on your own and go into business for yourself.Having a "boss" is for other people.

Understand that you must be self-reliant, self-disciplined and a self-starter to succeed.This means looking out for "numero uno" is YOUR responsibility, so forget waiting for someone else to do it for you.It's not gonna happen.Think and act successful.Have a clear conscience about making money - lots of money!

Always keep your credit record clean - borrow only from solid institutions.

Favored business months are April, August and February.Think twice before co-signing any notes or loaning money to those born in January, May or October.

These are some Millionaire 1 Personalities:

  • Richard Pryor December 1, 1940
  • Dolly Parton January 19, 1946
  • Yves St. Laurent August 1, 1936
  • Rod Stewart January 10, 1945
  • Lee Marvin February 19, 1924
  • Smokey Robinson February 19, 1940
  • Davis Susskind December 19, 1920

The Number 2 Money Person

Being born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or the 29th of the month means you should take the phrase, "money isn't made overnight", to heart.

Your best bet at accumulating wealth is to do it slowly at a gradual pace over the years.Avoid the get rich quick schemes like the plague - especially the ones that hang you out on a limb on your own.

You will do much better sharing your skills and talents in a group setting using the team effort approach.Your job or career should, by all means, deal with the public in some manner.But be assured, helping others is your key to pulling in those financial dividends later on.

Searching out bargains and shopping around for better deals on the buying end can be a tremendous asset in preserving your coins.

You'll find best business or financial mates for you will be born in May, July or October.Use caution if you have to loan money to or borrow from anyone born in April, November or January.

These are some Millionaire 2 Personalities:

  • Oprah Winfrey January 29, 1954
  • Gloria Vanderbilt February 20, 1924
  • Sidney Poitier February 20, 1924
  • Aristotle Onassis January 29, 1906

The Number 3 Money Person

Because you were born on the 3rd, 12th 21st or 30th of the month, that impulsive tendency to live for the moment can creep up on you before you know it and put a deep dent in the old savings account.

My advice to you is - think BIG.the bigger the better. Build your financial future using your success - oriented attitude with a no flip - side.Delete the word 'failure' from your vocabulary, for you are a winner.

By all means, go after status and position for they will prove to be your motivational assistants on your road to financial security.

Pay attention to paying your bills on time and keeping your credit record clean.

Expect matters involving money to surface in March, May, October and December.

People born in February, June, August or September may add financial stress to your life.

These are some Millionaire 3 Personalities:

  • Bill Cosby July 12, 1937
  • Jack Nicklaus January 21, 1940
  • Dick Clark November 30, 1929
  • Eddie Murphy April 3, 1961
  • Larry Hagman September 21, 1931

The Number 4 Money Person

Because you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of the month, it's highly possible for you to collect your bucks through strange and unusual ways.

It may come as no surprise to you, either, that you are prone to extremes - sometimes having lots of money and others almost none at all.

As a rule, you actually may not even care much about money, but you do have a knack for stretching out what you get.

Pay attention!Learn to budget and live within your means.Organize your receipts and keep your check book balanced.Looking for bargains and using discounts as well as rebates will prove quite helpful to your bottom line.

I know these things sound basic, but that's exactly what the 4 requires to accumulate a nest egg.Without establishing that solid foundation, the empire will surely fall.

Money matters will generally occur during the months of February, June and August.People born in the months of January, may and October may create financial stress in your life.

These are some Millionaire 4 Personalities:

  • Stevie Wonder May 13, 1950
  • Neil Simon July 4, 1927
  • Harrison Ford July 13, 1942
  • Phil Collins January 31, 1951
  • Clint Eastwood May 31, 1931
  • Henry Ford II September 4, 1917

The Number 5 Money Person

Having been born on the 5th, 14th or the 23rd of the month, you may not be known as the worlds greatest saver. Getting wrapped up in the deal, the thrill of the moment, and being drawn to "risky business", chances or gambling can play absolute havoc with your bank account.

Learning to use your time more efficiently can directly effect the number of dollars you earn.You're also one of the few who can successfully pull off having several irons in the fire simultaneously.

Since the number 5 deals with communicating, the public and the media, take advantage of T.V., radio and newspapers to promote your talents or products.

If you pay yourself before others, you can make great stride in accumulating cash.

Success with money usually occurs in February, May, June, September and October.The reverse is true in January, March and December, as well as with people born in those months.

These are some Millionaire 5 Personalities:

  • Julio Iglesias September 23, 1944
  • Ralph Lauren October 14, 1939
  • Michael Caine March 14, 1933
  • Bruce Springstein September 23, 1949
  • Prince Charles November 14, 1948
  • Diane Keaton January 5, 1946

The Number 7 Money Person

"Mind over matter" is the slogan for you, being born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of the month.

You may accumulate money more slowly, but your exceptional intuition and in born understanding about money motives will serve you well (if you follow your own advice.)

Understand that you will not do well chasing after money.In an extensive study of millionaires, your birth day number ranks last on the list.Now don't get mad.THINK about it.7 is a spiritual number, not a material one.

More than any other birth day number, you have the gift of being able to think about what you want, visualize it in your mind and actually have it happen!

Capitalize on your skills and what you know.Others will pay you a tremendous amount for your specialized information.So whenever you get off on the wrong track - remember it's your mental expertise that will bring you the big bucks.

Try to do business with people born in March, May, July or August.People born in January, April or November could be financially devastating to you.

These are some Millionaire 7 Personalities:

  • Sean Conery May 16, 1919
  • David Frost April 7, 1939
  • Francis Ford Coppola April 7, 1939
  • Leonard Bernstein August 25, 1918
  • Jerry Lewis March 16, 1926
  • John F. Kennedy Jr. November 25, 1960

The Number 8 Money Person

Being born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of the month indicates your ticket to financial success is through perseverance, hard work and determination.(Don't scowl.) That's really what's worked in the past, hasn't it?There simply are no short cuts for you and you're not one who should ever rely on luck.It may seem odd that the 8 denotes money, authority and power, yet this birth number ranks 7th among today's millionaires.

Always think big, think win, and be very direct about making money.Small thinking will serve you no purpose on this road.Delete the words "no" and "can't" from your vocabulary of acceptable answers.Be responsible for your gains as well as your losses and financial independence will be yours much faster.If having your own business is a possibility that's the way to go.

You should wear the best of clothes as this will help you attract money and enhance your powerful presence.

Your best financial months are January, May and October.Be careful in February, June August and September.

These are some Millionaire 8 Personalities:

  • Mick Jagger July 26, 1943
  • Diana Ross March 26, 1944
  • Paul Newman Jan 26, 1925
  • Sugar Ray Leonard May 17, 1956
  • Robert DeNiro Aug 17, 1943
  • Mohammad Ali Jan 17, 1942

The Number 9 Money Person

Your chances of wealth are excellent if you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of the month.In fact, you're 3rd on the overall list of millionaires studied.

Your best assets are your enormous energy and inner drive which continually push you to the top.Using your strong mental attitude, not worrying about what others say, assists you in your desire to control your destiny.

Make sure you establish an excellent credit line and diversify your assets.This can provide an incredible boost toward financial independence.

You'll do best in business in April, August, November and December.Be cautious dealing with those born in May, July and October.

These are some Millionaire 9 Personalities:

  • Cary Grant January 18, 1904
  • Steven Speilberg December 18, 1947
  • Elizabeth Taylor February 27, 1932
  • Hugh Hefner April 9, 1926
  • Billy Joel May 9, 1949

6. Lucky Numbers

Lucky Numbers

Rachel, let's take a look at lucky numbers and the lottery...

It seems like everyone's playing lucky number games these days. Wouldn't it be great if you knew how to pick the winning numbers in the lottery, lotto and other games?Well, you're not gonna like this, but unfortunately, there is no foolproof formula or surefire secret for raking in large sums of money. BUT, the good news is, there are certain numbers that are lucky for you, and it is surprisingly easy to determine what these are. Once you know your own lucky numbers you are in a much better position to play the number games, simply because your lucky numbers are based on specific numbers that are important to you. These numbers have a positive association and therefore tend to attract money.

Your LIFEPATH number -- the sum of your birth date -- is the first important number to look at in determining your lucky numbers. As you will recall, that's the number that defines who you are and shows you where to look for success, so it's an extremely positive vibration.

Next, look at your SOUL URGE number -- the one determined by the total vowels in your name -- since it indicates such "deep down" aspects as your dreams, comfort levels and desires. It sums up what you want to do, which in this case is as basic as picking a lucky number!

Third, consider your BIRTHDAY number which is simply the number for the day on which you were born. Even though I'm suggesting this number is only third in importance, it is probably the number you would most obviously turn to more frequently.

Fourth in importance is your DESTINY number -- the full numeric value of your name. This is clearly a lucky number because it specifies how you should live you life and what experiences you should aim for.

The fifth number to consider is your OUTER PERSONALITY -- the total number of consonants in your name. It indicates not only how you really look, but how you want others to perceive you. In this case, you certainly want the person selecting the winning numbers to envision you as LUCKY!

Lastly, consider your REALITY number, which is found by adding together your Destiny and Lifepath numbers. The main purpose of this number is to point out what you will be doing when you are "40 something" and beyond, and can be a positive influence in compiling your lucky numbers.

Now you have six numbers to work with, and you should consider all other numbers NEGATIVE. The only possible reason for using one of these negative numbers would be if you have a strong "hunch" that it will be lucky because you associate it with a day or occasion that is special to you. The odds are really stacked against the occurrence of six single digit numbers, so what you have to do is know the relationship between your two digit numbers and the single digit numbers they equate to. To make this a little easier for you to understand, refer to the your numbers I have calculated for you below:

Life Path 6 Double digit numbers = 15, 24, 33, 42, 51

Soul Urge 6 Double digit numbers = 15, 24, 33, 42, 51

Destiny 9 Double digit numbers = 18, 27, 36, 45, 54

Personality 3 Double digit numbers = 12, 21, 30, 39, 48

Birthday 6 Double digit numbers = 15, 24, 33, 42, 51

Reality 6 Double digit numbers = 15, 24, 33, 42, 51

In short, you can always substitute back and forth. If your single digit numbers are lucky for you, then any of the double digit numbers they came from will be lucky ALSO. Where this really makes a difference is when you are playing a lot of games at one time. You are much better off mixing the numbers up, including some single-digit numbers as well as some double-digit numbers. To give you an example, say you choose the numbers 10, 21, 40, 8, 33, and 43 in one game. The next game, then, you might want to select the numbers 19, 13, 30, 44, 50, and 34. And if you play another game, then go ahead and include some of the numbers from each of the first two games, again remembering to have a MIXTURE of single- digit and double-digit numbers.

What if you are playing a three-digit number?In that case, just take your first three important single-digit numbers and arrange them in lucky combinations. For instance, if your first three numbers -- the ones most likely to bring you luck -- are 1, 4 and 3, you have lots of possibilities. You could play them in that exact order -- 143, or play 134, 413, 431, 314 or 341. You can do the same thing with your last three important numbers. ANOTHER possibility would be to take any two of the total six numbers and combine them in different ways.

Don't hesitate to rely on your hunches when you're selecting and combining your numbers. After all, what you refer to as a "hunch" or a "feeling" is nothing more than your psyche communicating with you. You have probably experienced, at one time or another, the disappointment that comes from not listening to that inner voice, changing your mind at the last minute only to regret it later.

You would hate to have this happen when choosing lottery numbers -- as it did in part to one lady who played her husband's prison number. (You may consider a prison number a negative, but to this lady, it represented the husband she loved and was very much a positive. Likewise, don't let anyone else's perceptions dictate what is a lucky number to you.) She won a lot of money, since the winning numbers matched up exactly with her husband's number, BUT the $15 million prize eluded her because she did not go ahead and play the last number. Trust your instincts!

Looking for Lottery Patterns

More and more states are getting into the lottery business, and numbers games are spreading around the world as well. Not only are there MORE lotteries than ever, but the winnings are growing, too. The Chicago lottery on 9/3/84 paid a record amount, which was soon surpassed on 8/21/85 in New York with over $41 million in prize money. I thought it would be interesting to see if any of the big lotteries have anything in common. The first coincidence that jumps out at me is that both the New York and Chicago lotteries took place on a Number 3 date. What's more, the single winner of the New York lottery was born on August 21st (2+1=3), the first number to be drawn was 30 (3+0 is 3), it took 3 days to determine the winners, and there were 3 winners. Even stranger, one of the 3 winning tickets was held by a group of 21 (2+1=3) factory workers from Mount Vernon, New York known as the Lucky 21. They reportedly formed their pool around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and Celso Carcete, the factory worker who picked the lucky numbers, has 12 (1+2=3) letters in his name!

Is the NUMBER 3 universally a lucky number?Yet another New York winner by the name of Gwendolyn Lynch shared a $3.9 (3+9=12, 1+2=3) million prize with 2 others making a total of 3 winners. Of course there are no guarantees, but it looks like that number 3 has something going for it when it comes to big lottery wins.

It's also interesting to see the relationship of ASTROLOGY to lottery winners. For instance, most of the New York lottery winners were born under the earth sign of Taurus, followed by Virgo andCapricorn. This confirms previous research on multi-millionaires which showed that people with a birth number of 6 (a multiple of 3 which rules the sign of Taurus and Libra) make the most money in this country. They are followed by those with a birth number adding up to 3.

One obvious question is whether it is possible to "crack" the lottery with a numerology "system." All you have to do is visit your local newsstand to see that there are plenty of systems for sale, but whether or not they WORK is another issue entirely. Research from the New York lottery indicates that most winners either chose their number at random, or based it on a personal event or their personal numbers as I described at the beginning of this article. You would think if there were a sure system, a numerologist would use it to win, but as far as I know this has never happened. Of course, people have been known to use a system and win some, but going back to personal numbers, 8 of the initial 14 winners in the Texas lottery won within days of their birthday. I believe the best guide you can purchase on winning games of chance deals with your birthdate and knowing just when to use the information you have.

Playing the lottery or other games of chance can be fun, but ONLY if you stay within your budget and know when to say when. After all, the numerical odds are stacked heavily against you.

In any event, I believe your best shot is to look at your lucky dates, numbers, days, and months, and think of the times in your life that you have WON something -- no matter how big or small. Try to remember exactly what day it was that you won, what month, and whether there were any numbers associated with that win such as your date of birth, the date of the win, or an address number. This could all be helpful information. Bottom line... trust your intuition, It's more powerful than you think!

7. Karmic Accumulation


We've all heard the word Karma - but what does it do to YOU.

Every experience in your life is meant to teach you and help you grow. That's Karma: how your soul learns from life.

Karma tells us that our God-given free will makes us want to collect and conquer life's experiences and that, through cause and effect, we'll reap what we sow. I'm sure you've found some learning experiences to be uncomfortable, even cruel, so you may have chosen to ignore their messages or just avoid them. Unfortunately, this creates an imbalance that prolongs the Karma. But when you accept life's lessons, you can master the balance to achieve harmony, and your soul is free to grow.

How do you determine your Karma? Through the missing letters or numbers in your birth name. That's what I'm going to talk to you about, the sum or total effect of all your missing numbers, called your Karmic accumulation number. This tells you about imbalances and character traits you may or may not be aware of. By recognizing them, you can help change the negative and apply the positive for a richer, deeper life.

Rachel, I hope this information will help you cope harmoniously with the conditions you've chosen to deal with in this life. It's meant to guide you, not upset you, so don't think of it as negative. Put your coat of armor on and try to read objectively first. Then think about how you really feel as you think about what you've gone through in your life. Trust your intuitive insight to show you what to do.

Karmic Accumulation for: Rachel Nason = 13 / 4

Do you often feel like work is your reason for being? You're right. Your main challenge in this life involves the ethic of work: Doing your best for the sake of the job, not just for your own gain.

Your Karmic history suggests that your former work ethic wasn't as pure. Now's the time to master the habit of working with others in mind and finishing the job to the best of your ability. I know it's tempting to set something aside when you've lost your enthusiasm or the task seems too great. But you should remember the satisfaction of a job done well. Accomplishment is a wonderful feeling!

This may sound pretty serious, especially in light of the nature of your chosen field, but that's not the point. You're learning how to serve your fellow human beings-and even a higher purpose-during your time on earth. So resist your tendency to give less than 100 percent. You may not be out for awards or stardom (in fact, you might even prefer to stay behind the scenes), but you should still work as though your future depended on it. It does!

Business may be a cruel taskmaster for you emotionally. Failures and false starts in the wrong direction can prove daunting to your progress, but keep believing the right job is out there waiting for you. You work long and hard hours to get it right, and when others work for you, you expect no less from them.

If you feel sometimes that all this comes at a personal cost, it's because the 13 Karmic accumulation isn't geared toward friendship in its strongest sense. This isn't to say that you don't have friends-in fact, you've shared some strong and loyal bonds based in mutual respect-but your relationships aren't of the constant variety.

This can be disappointing, especially since you're not always sure why fate chose to send you and your friend in different directions. Take heart in the fact that this is one number where it's Karmically OK to drown your sorrows in work.

Sorry to say, you may find your love life equally frustrating. It's not that you don't have a good and worthy heart, but your loving tendencies may be dampered by a bad romantic choice just when you needed the support because of a sour turn in your worklife. As long as you find it hard to give yourself body and soul to another person, you'll set yourself up for fall after painful fall. Learn to be more open and accepting of others. You may be surprised to find that love for your mate or another family member never dies completely, even after a long separation.

Please keep your faith in others and in your own abilities. I know you'll learn from the lessons of this life, and I believe you'll come out a winner!

8. Conflict


Let's find out how compatible you are with yourself, Rachel.

We've talked before about your Lifepath, Soul Urge, Personality and Destiny numbers. Each number has positive and negative qualities, and the combination of any two numbers naturally will have built-in cross-currents. This can create stress between, say, your Soul Urge and your Destiny.

I'm going to point out the conflicting numbers and the types of turmoil they can cause. I'll concentrate on the subconscious and stress factors of your number differences because I think it's easier to understand their compatibility potential this way. My intention is to recognize and resolve the conflicts to make your life easier and more effective.

Now, you may think that I'm getting on your case a little bit here, but I'm really just trying to help you understand the internal conflict you have from the different number influences. What I'm about to tell you may even explain things that have troubled you all your life.

We'll discuss the difference between your Personality and Soul Urge numbers first; then your Personality and your Destiny; your Destiny and your Soul Urge; your Lifepath and your Personality; your Lifepath and your Soul Urge, and finally, your Destiny and Lifepath. This totals six stress numbers that are intertwined in your responses to life.

Those who are a little thin-skinned may say, "Oh, fine -- I have enough people telling me what is wrong with me. I don't need another one." Please don't take this as a personal slight, because everybody has these kinds of conflicts. I'm here to help you understand the turmoil that you've chosen to deal with in life, some of which you may have been at a loss to explain -- until now.

You may feel that some of these descriptions don't fit; they could be subconscious negative patterns. After age 29, you should begin to recognize negative qualities and start to eliminate them -- in which case, the positive element will be more pronounced.

Accept these stress numbers as opportunities to learn more about why you're here and how you can advance yourself Karmically. You may have already met and conquered some of the challenges that I'm about to describe. When you have, pat yourself on the back and move on!

Conflict between your Soul Urge and Personality 6 - 3 = 3

Have a hard time keeping on an even keel? It seems like everyone is always counting on you in times when you need to put yourself and your own crises first. This kind of frustration with responsibility tends to start early on in life, when parents had trouble keeping their own balance, and forms a pattern for future personal and professional relationships. This leads to a hot- and-cold attitude toward others' problems -- either you want to take over or you couldn't care less, depending on your mood of the day. Well, the best thing you can do for everyone is to set your own life in order first. Just watch out that you don't turn into a brooding hermit or, alternately, a jealous, controlling partner who loses perspective with those closest to you. It probably seems easier to latch on to someone strong and let them be your backbone, instead of finding your own inner strength to overcome your conflicts. But your personal success depends on you finding and working through the inner turmoil that's plagued you all your life.

Conflict between your Destiny and Personality 9 - 3 = 6

Love doesn't come happily to this combination of numbers. In fact, romance brings with it a fair amount of pain and emotional upheaval. The responsibilities of marriage and commitment lead you to question your decision frequently, even though you seldom face anything more trying than what most people consider normal, everyday problems. You might try to escape by taking on "dream" lovers, but contentment requires you to accept that no one -- yourself or your partners -- is truly perfect. Give it up and be grateful for what you have. This is a lesson from a past life in which you sneered at fidelity. Now you're tasked with giving of yourself more generously than you thought possible. Accept the challenge and, for goodness sake, don't burn yourself at the stake over your plight. It's not exactly a magnet for sympathy, you know. If you're wondering how to tackle this formidable assignment, why not start with keeping a scrupulous calendar of important dates, accounts and memories of favorite times with special people?

Conflict between your Soul Urge and Destiny 6 - 9 = 3

When you feel pulled in several different directions, as this combination tends to do, just remember: Lead with your soul. Let your intuition be your guide. There's a lot of turmoil here, and peace doesn't come easily. You're especially likely to cling to self-interests and trust few people with your mind or heart. This cynicism is based in the martyrdom you experienced in a past life. Try to overcome this self-protection by sharing more of your inner personality. Sure, rejection is painful, but as the saying goes, it's better to have loved and lost.... Besides, a fear of rejection tends to attract half-hearted, overbearing lovers who won't disappoint your already low expectations. (And that IS disappointing!) With this combination, you're in for frustration and unfulfilled expectations, which can bring out your negativity and bitterness. When you accept that it's all in the numbers and start to work out the confusion, you'll not only help yourself but also be a great help and comfort to others who suffer from the same kind of turmoil.

Conflict between your Destiny and Life Path 9 - 6 = 3

Here we have a repeat of a combination. The stress level is enhanced by this repetition.

Conflict between your Soul Urge and Life Path 6 - 6 = 0

Lucky you! When two of your numbers match, naturally there's no conflict because a number's always compatible with itself. In the words of Flip Wilson's classic character Geraldine -- or, for that matter, in modern computer lingo, "what you see is what you get!" With this kind of combination, there's no hidden agenda or facade hiding the deep inner turmoil of crossed purposes. The multiple appearance of a number actually increases the influences of its vibrations -- for better or worse, but especially for better.

Conflict between your Personality and Life Path 3 - 6 = 3

Here we have a repeat of a combination. The stress level is enhanced by this repetition.

9. Where You Live

Where You Live

Do you feel good about where you live, Rachel?

Just as you've learned how your numbers influence you, I want you to know numbers also define your house or apartment, city and state. Does that sound unusual for an inanimate building or an entire town? Stay with me -- this is fascinating!

Why is it that, when you walk into certain places where you've never been before, you immediately feel good and warm and welcomed? Even if you don't know the person who lives there, you feel an automatic kinship with the place and think, "I could be happy here."

Or maybe you've heard someone say that at some point while moving in or remodeling, their home took on a life of its own. Guess what -- the "life" was already there. They just didn't notice until change took place.

A house adopts its a numerical influence as soon as it's assigned a street address...just as your destiny was established when your birth certificate was signed, sealed and delivered. An apartment number works the same way.

What does this mean? Well, if you're planning to buy a house or you're in the market for a new apartment, you can start your search by figuring out the kind of "personality" you'd like to live with.

Your current home's traits and idiosyncracies will make more sense when you understand its number influence. Whether you're comfortable where you live or not, now you can appreciate how to be in tune with your residence, just as you would with another person.

Remember that numbers, like warning signals, are there to guide you through the events of your life. Don't feel threatened by the number itself. Accept its message and follow the guidance it's there to offer. God gave us these signs to help us along our journey.

The Influence of Where You Live

Rachel, I'm listing your personal numbers for you so you won't have to look them up in case you've forgotten them.

Soul Urge 6Life Path 6Pinnacle 6
Personality 3Reality 6Challenge 3
Destiny 9

When the numbers of your home match any of your own numbers, there are special meanings:

  • Soul Urge - Will lead to inner peace and satisfaction.
  • Personality - Your house will add strength to your outer character.
  • Destiny - Use the number as a starting point to work toward your destiny's opportunities.
  • Life Path - Develop your talents in this house and you will flourish.
  • Reality - Your house presents plenty of opportunities to work toward your ultimate goal.
  • Pinnacle - Your house will support you in your goals for that pinnacle's duration.
  • Challenge - Working on the challenges in your character will be easier in this house.

For your house, simply add the digits together and reduce the total to a single number. (ie: 3427 = 3+4+2+7 = 16 = 1+6 = 7.

With that in mind, take a few moments to analyze your environment. I've decided to give you all the influences so you can apply them to other places you've lived and feel their influence.

Now, all numbers have positive and cooperative traits; there's no "bad" number for you. If you feel that you and your home are incompatible after you read about its number influence, don't rush to move; instead, try to find common ground. Respect its convictions as you do your own, and present it in the way its number intended -- say, through landscaping. Then go on and live your life as your own numbers direct you.

There's no need to exist at cross-purposes with your shelter. Just as with humanity, the keys to living in harmony are tolerance and understanding.Great things can and will happen here. Remember that your destiny includes accepting the responsibility of the numbers in your life -- all the numbers.

While the digits in your house number represent its strongest influence, the full street address also weighs in ... not to mention your city and state.

In fact, if you're planning to move, take a good, long look at your expectations and compare them to the numbers for that city and state. Do they mesh? Are the new location's requirements compatible with your own destiny, soul urge, life path?

Examine the numbers for your current state, then your city, and ask yourself if you've been taking full advantage of the opportunities these places provide. You may find that you're more compatible than you think!

If you must move, or are determined to do so, consider yourself fortunate. By understanding its number's requirements, you've already got a head start toward making your new city your home!

But back to your house -- I decided to fill you in on all the influences - so you'll have them.

If the numbers total 1...
Individuality, originality and independence are the key words for this house. Creativity thrives within its walls, and new ideas abound when given the chance. This can be a wonderful sanctuary for mental development and successful achievement.

Get a good grip on your will and tenacity if you live in a #1 house because unusual, possibly inexplicable things may take place under the its roof. Their purpose is to develop your will and integrity and strengthen your character. When you face them with a strong, courageous attitude, you'll find that they're actually quite interesting, and you and the house will be much more attuned to each other.

Balance the creativity with intelligence, dignity and self-confidence, but don't let your ego get out of hand -- that's the surest way to appear eccentric, controlling and self- absorbed. And expect the same strength of character from new friends. If they pop up out of nowhere, or seem to be a bit shady, keep them away. Solid, beneficial relationships based on mutual respect will take you farthest. Those who dwell or work in a #1 house have the makings for large-scale leadership.

If the numbers total 2...
This home would be equally comfortable housing Miss Manners, philanthropist Armand Hammer or a member of the clergy. You deserve to live there, too, as long as you remember that benevolence, beauty, generosity, spirituality and culture are the ruling elements of this house. (And who couldn't benefit by adopting more of those qualities?) This is a house for people who love people!

Contentment for those living here can be threatened by pettiness or ostentatiousness. Cut back on the nit-picking and self-centeredness, and you and your house will find harmony. Relax ... remember others ... practice keeping your opinions to yourself. You'll be amazed at how much this can smooth out rumpled feelings.

The #2 house indicates success in personal and professional partnerships, especially when those involved are willing to accept compromise and cooperate with each other. Study your subject, and stay aware of the various elements of the relationship to keep it running efficiently.

Above all, don't rush into anything. Something worth having is worth waiting for. Keep your life and home clean and orderly, and your domestic rewards will be great!

If the numbers total 3...
Great things can happen here, if you practice living up to the promise of the number 3. This house welcomes cheery, creative people, and opens up like a spring flower when the prospect of a party arises. Friends feel good here, and inhabitants should be thrilled by the potential for success contained under this roof.

A wonderful place for brainstorming on imaginative projects and creating masterpieces, the number 3 house only demands that you keep a strong work ethic in mind: humility, simple living and hard work are the keys to success. However, you're still free to enjoy life and all of its wonderful twists and turns!

Love can flourish in this house as long as it's accompanied by respect and honesty. The white heat of an overnight passion burns out quickly and leaves a lot of damage in its ashes. So, too, can any affair born of cheating or deceit toward one's partner. Take it easy, and keep the relationship above board. Instead, dream, create and beautify your life while living under this roof.

If the numbers total 4...
Serious, cautious, meticulous overtones rule this house, but underneath there's also room for fun and cheerfulness.

Ongoing success and security are more than possible when you keep the following guidelines and work habits in the forefront of all your efforts: attention to order, focus on the task at hand, respect for rules and tried-and-true methods, loyalty and steadfastness. Stay true to a proven course for your best opportunities for fulfillment and reward.

If this sounds pretty heavy, remember what I said earlier about fun. An occasional spree isn't beyond the #4 influence -- in fact, what's life without joy and laughter? Find a good balance between industriousness and inanity, and there's no telling what can happen within these walls!

Concerns with kinfolk seem to center here, and the best way to deal with these problems is good ol' common sense and tenacity. Keeping a level head and operating within the bounds of law and order will lead to esteem and success in the community at large.

If the numbers total 5...
There's never a dull moment here, what with people rushing in and out all the time. Domestic tranquility isn't easy to establish in the 5 house, because everyone's busy lives always seem to be heading in different directions. If you're the kind of person who likes to stay on the move and ahead of the game, this is the place to be.

This number indicates an interest in things happening outside the immediate circle, be they in the community or the world at large. Public service is a natural direction for inhabitants of this home.

Things seldom become predictable around here, and unusual events may crop up without warning. Remember that every lesson learned is a means of growing and learning to succeed with the tools at hand. Be bold and enterprising!

At the same time, don't jump into everything that comes along. Give situations and people time to progress naturally, and while you're waiting, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths yourself.

If the numbers total 6...
This is truly a family home! Just look at the way children and animals respond within these four walls. The welcoming atmosphere makes a natural haven for the important traditions of "kith-and-kin" and "home-and-hearth." A generous spirit infuses all who believe and revel in the warmth of the 6 influence.

The principal that "you get out of life what you put into it" also prevails. When you accept your responsibilities and love your neighbors (next door or around the world), the good things in life--spiritual and material-- will find you deserving. At the same time, too much emphasis on possessions or self-importance make for a miserable environment, and all of the natural warmth will escape from the house like steam heat in winter. Keep a down-to- earth perspective, and you and your home will get along famously.

Remember that if you live in a 6 house, your greatest chance for life success will come from fulfilling social obligations with grace and pleasure. Families come in many shapes and sizes!

If the numbers total 7...
"Leave your worries on the doorstep" when you approach this house. This is a refuge, a retreat from the problems of the outside world. It's just the place for those who rely on deep thought, expression and education for their livelihoods. Solitude is a prevailing mood here.

Treat this house with pride, respect its refined sense of intellect, and the result will be warmth and happiness within. It's a worthy place to work for self-discipline and actualization -- somehow, concentration and attainment are more accessible under this roof. Always strive to keep learning as long as you live here.

This is a good home for teachers, writers and scholars, who will find the greatest success through a brain-to-the-grindstone attitude. Use the #7 house as a place to get away from distractions of other people.

If the numbers total 8...
If you know where you're going and how to get there, you'll feel right at home in a #8 house. You may sense a somewhat businesslike atmosphere more than a domestic aura here. Even if there's no commercial activity going on, the efficiency of a well-run office prevails, although the words "cold" and "foreboding" hardly apply. In other words, things HAPPEN here.

Common sense and capability come in handy for inhabitants, because financial situations -- desirable and otherwise -- have a way of sneaking in often. That's OK, as long as they're handled sensibly and professionally. In fact, work hard and you could gain a "thumbs up" from those whose respect you'd like to earn.

You may discover that this is the peacock of homes -- a designer showcase rather than a cocoon built for comfort. But don't work too hard to put on a show. You'll be much better off when you trust in your brain and instincts and focus on the task at hand. Remember the businesslike attitude and you and your house will get along!

If the numbers total 9...
Tolerance, compassion and aesthetics rule this house, and you'll be happiest here if you can accept others for their inner selves instead of their outward appearances.

Bigotry and closed-mindedness clash with the #9 purpose. Instead, this is the place for those who appreciate the epicurean grace and artistry life has to offer. Humanity -- all humanity -- should be welcomed through these doors. The broader the acceptance, the greater the lessons learned. Success has a way of finding those who comply with this generous, charitable influence.

This is also a haven for artistic creation and philosophical pondering. The road you've travelled may have been rocky in places, and disappointments may have slowed you down. But if your search for truth has led you to a higher understanding of your fellow human beings, take comfort in the fact that you've finally found your home.

What Does Your City Have To Offer You?

Use this exercise to check the compatability level between yourself and any town.

If it's acheivements you're looking for, choose a city that wants (it's soul urge) what you have to offer (your destiny).

If you're seeking experience, pick a town which relates to your lifepath.It may not be easy, but the opportunity will be there.

Vowels = 5 6 = 11/2 = Soul Urge
For Example: N e w Y o r k
Consonants= 5 5 7 9 2 = 28/1 = Personality
Total Letters = 5 5 5 7 6 9 2 = 39/3 = Destiny

If your objective is to be in the limelight or involved in the arts, literature, fashion or cultural endeavors, New York is where it's at.These traits are just what the "soul" an "11/2", of New York has to offer. The outer personality of the city a "1", is certainly true to form!Boldness, originality, independence, innovativeness, self-confidence and determination are it's positive traits, and being selfish, bossy, hasty, and overly candid are some of it's negative attributes.

Having a destiny of 3 tells us New York offers much in the way of creativity, art, imagination, communication, comfort and attractiveness.Opposite these positives are scattered energy, extravagance, and impulsiveness, and a state of over activity.

Now do you see why theater, art & TV, thrive in New York?

Have a little fun and figure out what your city has to offer.(Use the number value chart below.) You can apply the following meanings:

1.= Creative, original, bold, self-confident, selfish, bossy

2.= Co-operative, partnerships, neat, tactful,diplomatic, quiet, group activities, detailed, petty, dominant, wasteful, arrogant

3.= Cheerful, friendly, happy busy, artsy, imaginative, fashionable, scattered, extravagant, gossipy, impulsive

4.= Orderly, practical, conservative, honest, truthful, task-oriented, sensible, planned, work, thrift, organization; narrow-minded, over-cautious

5.= Freedom, choice active, progressive, useful, variety, changing conditions, impatient, irresponsible, critical

6.= Responsible, family, duty, service, beautiful, money, peace; possessive, discord, overconcern for self.

7.= Quite, intellectual, reflective, refined, receptive, wise, peaceful; noisy, dependant, irritable, crude.

8.= Achievement, mastery, goals, business, efficient, accomplished, respect, strong; violent, abusive, materialistic.

9.= Love, compassion, caring, sharing, tolerant; emotional, bitter.


10. Balance Number

Balance Number

Just when you think you've "got" your number, you may feel something tugging at you indicating there's something else. Something more going on. Well -- there is. More subtle maybe, but none the less present.

The Balance Number is the influence that tends to work on you at an emotional level and affects the way you react before you've had a chance to analyze things.

It's no coincidence that this influence which comes into play when we're caught off guard is called your BALANCE NUMBER.

It will explain the difference in reactions between yourself and everybody else. Knowing the secrets of your balance number clues you in on how to handle those experiences in life that may be a little scary or threatening.

As you read on, think about some jams you've been in and try to relate your response to this influence.

The Balance Number of Rachel Nason

Rachel, let's look at your initial response to challenge. What happens when your faced with a problem?

The influence that arises comes from adding the number values of your initials, then reducing them to a single digit. This uses the cornerstone (1st letter) of each of your first, middle and last names, representing the physical, emotional and spiritual planes - in that order.

When you combine these, you arrive at your balance indicator.

Let's see what R.A.H tells us.
R = 9
A = 1
H = 8 = 18 = 9

Having a Balance Number of 9 indicates your best shot at facing problems or conflict is to approach it being very EMPATHETIC to the concerns of those involved.

Really, you have no idea how powerful this one aspect is for you and what wonders you can work by using it!

See, you have this great gift of having an enormous capacity to really UNDERSTAND all sorts of people. You may take this for granted, but actually, it's an asset most people do not possess.

Using your ability to get over the pettiness in life and see beyond the surface to the real issue gives you a clear view of the bigger picture and what's really important.

You may notice when you allow yourself to withdraw into that -ivory tower- of yours, appearing aloof or distant to others, you just don't get what you want.

Get real. Relate to people on that level of reality where they reside, and you'll be amazed at the response! It is in this particular type of GIVING that you will, in turn, receive.

I know sometimes it's hard. This 9 Balance Number can play havoc with your feelings, going from one extreme to the other (elation to depression) with very little reason. If you let it, it can cause worries, unsettled feelings (which are very sensitive and vulnerable, by the way), and make you overly dramatic.

You may seem to feel you need other's support or approval and can go to great lengths to get this. Keep in mind these emotions confuse reason with your kind of power, you certainly don't need these.

Use your highly inspired ability here to be TOLERANT, COMPASSIONATE and genuinely seek to assist mankind. There's no way you can lose.

11. Hidden Passion Number

Hidden Passion Number

What special ability do you possess, Rachel?

Whenever a number repeats itself in your name, it adds a certain character of strength or talent. The number in your name which repeats itself most often possesses a unique kind of power all its own to shape and influence your life. Having a talent like this empowers you when you use and express it and live according to the essence of its' nature.

This most repeated number in your name is called your Hidden Passion number. It's most important, given the fact it can shape who you are and guide you throughout your life.

I find it interesting to notice that in Northern European names, which seem to dominate American society, the most often repeated letters are those which represent the number 5, being e, n, and w. Five is the number of freedom, variety and progress, and we all know America to be the "land of the free." The term U.S.A. also has a 5 personality.

On the other hand, Southern European names, which are based from Latin languages, have a lot of 1's, especially A's and S's. This reflects the great level of creative, individualistic thinking and acceptance of rather unconventional, impulsive behavior.

You can, by the way, have more than one Hidden Passion. Let's take a look and see what yours is.

You have 6 - 5's in your name.

Energetic, adventurous, spontaneous, restless - ever hear anyone apply any of these to you? Well, just tell them you have a Hidden Passion of "5," which makes you want to experience all life has to offer!

You love a new challenge and change of pace, especially if it involves a suitcase. Travel could be your middle name - as could excitement, adaptable, versatile or curious.

You could sell ice to an Eskimo with the enthusiasm you generate and generally will out-compete and out-wit any rival in your path. Your talent with language and working with the public are credits of this number 5, as are the restlessness and need for stimulation you experience. That's why it can be hard to apply yourself over long periods of time without a break. Your interest is captured by the next new "carrot" and off you go - in a whirlwind of excitement.

Now, we all know you're unconventional and not very domestic, but being committed in relationships and your work is very fundamental to your happiness. Some roots are just flat out essential, even for you.

5's are somewhat sensual and impulsive and before you know it, you can be in a heap of trouble, whether with food, drink or people. Remember the words "moderation" and "balance". They can add years to that adventuresome life of yours.

Focus on something you really want and throw your excess energy into it full force. See what happens when you don't give up!

12. Subconscious Self

Subconscious Self

How much confidence do you have in yourself, Rachel

I feel you are now ready for this level of information. It takes a good look at how you (underneath the face you present the public with) really feel at a gut level about your own power and competence.

This hidden number, called your Subconscious Self, reveals your true ability to deal with situations that arise very quickly and shows how you're programmed to respond to sudden events. It points out just how you size things up and lets you know your ability to react appropriately.

As true with many profound issues, the answers are actually quite simple. To discover your level of response, we simply look at your karmic situation (revealed by the missing numbers in your name). When people are missing, say a 4 in their name, they may feel inadequate or frustrated about how to deal with the demands of situations requiring organization, practicality, routine, or manual labor (like housework). On the other hand, they still have 8 of the other numbers represented in the name, giving them the ability to handle situations requiring those numbers. This gives them a certain feeling that makes them seem familiar with those situations and lets them deal with them more effectively.

Let's see, now, what your Subconscious Self reveals about you.

As you read, think back about the sudden events and changes that have occurred in your life and relate the way you responded to this number.

Make the most of each day in the month ahead, using your influences to guide you.

Two simple ways of finding your Sub-Conscious Self Number are either by adding the total number influences 1-9 represented in your name, or subtracting your missing number influences (your karmic numbers) from 9.


1's - A's, J's and S's you have 4 - 1's.

2's - B's, K's and T's you have 3 - 2's.

3's - C's, L's and U's you have 3 - 3's.

4's - D's, M's and V's you have 2 - 4's.

5's - E's, N's and W's you have 6 - 5's.

6's - F's, O's and X's you have no - 6's.

7's - G's, P's and Y's you have no - 7's.

8's - H's, Q's and Z's you have 3 - 8's.

9's - I's and R's you have 2 - 9's.

Having a Sub-Conscious Self number of 7 means you have 2 of the nine numbers influences missing from you name, or, quite simply, 7 of the number influences are affecting you. This fact alone is responsible for making you seem very aloof and indifferent at times.

I'm sure you don't mean to be intimidating, but in difficult situations you tend to draw within, finding peace in your own answers from your highly creative, analytical mind.

You tend to be a loner, thus not inclined to share your feelings or information freely with others.

You feel quite confident you can solve any dilemma you confront, and your natural tendency will be to meet your own needs first - or so it may seem.

See, you have a level of innate wisdom and understanding at your beck and call that many others just can't relate to. With your manner of "question, not be questioned", you're able to take in, digest and process a wealth of information! This decidedly gives you the upper edge from an analytical prospective.

In general, my friend, you're a very balanced individual and quite the survivor. It'll take more than average storm to throw you off course this time around!

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